Lipids are fat-like substances found in your blood and body tissues, they consist of cholesterol and triglycerides. Hyperlipidemia means you have too many lipids in your blood, and this will greatly increase you risk of stroke and many heart disease including angina (chest pain), heart attack, heart failure.
LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are the two main cholesterol types in your body. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” cholesterol that will block your blood vessels and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke. While HDL cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol, it protects against heart disease by acting as a scavenger, taking the “bad” cholesterol out of your blood.
High triglycerides will raise the risk of developing metabolic syndrome (a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity), which in turn increases your risk for heart disease and other disorders.
At Green Gourmet, we have different products that help you reduce your blood lipids level and maintain a healthy life.
KaLOHAS® is an organic functional food made of green leafy vegetable kale, and contains nearly 50% dietary fiber. High dietary fiber can reduce your total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol level by decreasing its production and increasing its excretion.
Reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol
Besides, kale also has 43 bioactive compounds which makes it the greatest potential on reducing cholesterol levels among the healthy vegetable spinach, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, and green pepper. In fact, a study showed that drinking kale juice for 3 months reduced the bad LDL cholesterol by 10%, and increase the good HDL cholesterol by 27%, thereby greatly reduced the risk of heart disease.
Easy to use
KaLOHAS® can be used in all meals, smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, bread, cake, cookie…everything you can think of. Just add KaLOHAS® to your foods or drinks, then you have your own healthy diet. KaLOHAS® is designed as small sachet, easy to carry and has long shelf-life, so that you can enjoy your healthy diet anytime, anywhere.

Kalohas is made of one ingredient: 100% pure, organic Greenkale.